In 500 words or less, please tell us how the BWR team could have better supported you during the development, promotion, preparation, and execution of the IFS (including in-country assistance).
Please tell us in 500 words or less if any suggested modifications should be made to this IFS if offered in the future (e.g. was the destination appropriate, should the IFS be moved to a different break week, should there be additional inclusions to the trip)
Please provide any feedback about how we could have prepared and supported you better for this lead opportunity. For example, would first-aid training, mental health first aid, etc. have been helpful for your experience. We welcome all recommendations and thoughts.
Would you recommend leading an IFS to your colleagues in the future? If so, why or why not.
Please share the top 3 professional development outcomes from your lead experience. We also welcome any personal development that has resulted in your participation as a lead.
Please share your feedback about the time commitments requested of you to lead this For example, was too much time requested of you for preparation and training?
Please report any challenges which you faced during your time as the lead on IFS (e.g. low student participation level, travel challenges, student issues).