- Complete application form Stage 1 & 2
- Following all necessary approvals
- Develop preliminary budget and send to [email protected]
- 5 months prior to departure
- Develop preliminary itinerary send to [email protected]
- 5 months prior to departure
- Promote trip to students (In-class, blackboard, on campus)
- Ongoing activity
- If applicable, develop and conduct student application and selection process (i.e. interviews, GPA or recommendation letter requirements)
- Compile a list of students who wish to participate and send to [email protected]
- 90 days prior to departure
- Direct selected student to the Be World Ready website to register for experience
- Make students aware of deposit and payment deadlines
- Follow-up with students with outstanding payments
- Follow-up with student who have not submitted passports or visas
- Research flights and suggest flight dates and times.
- Email [email protected] with details/links
- Finalize itinerary (work with third party provider) and send final itinerary to [email protected]
- Arrange and book all group tickets (where applicable) and copy [email protected]
- Arrange hotel reservations for group and copy [email protected]
- Arrange meeting with Global & Cultural Engagement team to finalize budget and details
- Create hotel room list and send to hotel and copy [email protected]
- Arrange date and time to meet with students for pre-departures
- Communicate time/date of pre-departure with [email protected]
- Arrange and book debriefing with students and Global & Cultural Engagement team within 30 days of return
- Communicate time/date of debriefing to [email protected]
- Complete trip report template within 30 days of return
- Complete risk assessment
- Create Travel Authorization Request for lead(s)
- Assist with promotion of IFS (Website, social media, blackboard)
- Add leads and participants to Be World Ready Blackboard Organization
- Upload trip information to Be World Ready Blackboard Organization
- Sign all contracts on behalf of Niagara College
- Make payment for deposits and purchases of flights, accommodations, excursions/tickets and in-county travel, where applicable.
- Order Be World Ready t-shirts
- Monitor student registrations through BWR website. Report updated numbers to leads (weekly)
- Monitor student payments
- Send lead names of students with outstanding payment for the leads follow-up
- Monitor student passport and visa submissions
- Send lead names of students who have not submitted passports or visas (if applicable) for leads to follow-up with
- Assist with arranging group meetings/booking rooms
- Provide staff per diems
- Provided to staff 2 weeks prior to departure (if applicable)
- Provide students with pre-departure information/waivers/documents/immigration documentation
- Upon completion of pre-departure training, online and mandatory in-person, Global & Cultural Engagement team will issue $400 BWR Grant directly to the students account
- Attend debriefing with group and leads (as arranged by leads)
- Collected and approve/deny student photos and testimonials for $100 BWR grant within 30 days of trip return
- If participation guidelines were not met or misconduct abroad is an issue, participants will not receive the BWR grant and will be notified by Office of Global & Cultural Engagement